Corona and the Benefits of Flying Charter
Miami Seaplane Tours
Here at Miami Seaplane, we would like to recognize the trying times that we are all living through and thank our community for their support. Across the globe, 2020 has been marred by the outbreak of COVID-19, the most recent mutation of the coronavirus. This pandemic has greatly disrupted the flow of many people’s day to day lives and their plans for this year and beyond. Amongst the tragedy, this global crisis has also created space for reflection. It has also brought people together in unique, and unimaginable, ways.
Now more than ever, we see the importance of community, self-care, and mutual support. As a company overall, we are committed to upholding our customers, our employees, and our community through this critical time. For that reason, we are strictly following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention standards on all our flights. Concerning reopening, we have been carefully tracking the advice of both local and state health officials. These measures include full cabin disinfection prior to each flight. We also require that all passengers and crew members wear a mask throughout the entirety of the flight. This may be any mask, scarf, or bandana that covers the nose and mouth.
The City of Miami’s website provides a wealth of information about reopening in Southern Florida as well as resource links. These links include news about local grant funding, testing centers, and much more. They even have a regular newsletter that’s full of useful and up to date material as the situation continues to unfold.
Recent trends have shown a slow but undeniable upswing in US interest in travel, although hesitation lingers. Destination Analysts conducts a weekly survey on the attitudes of US citizens towards travel. In late August, general perceptions have been the most optimistic since mid-June. The majority of people surveyed, 53.1%, will be prioritizing enjoying nature in any travels they do embark on. On a related note, 57.6% want to make sure to stay away from crowds and, 33.1% said they will stick closer to home if they do to choose to travel in what remains of 2020.
Miami Seaplane is well equipped to meet all three of these desires. We can easily facilitate close to home, socially distanced, and nature-oriented get-aways for our clients in the Miami area. Miami Seaplane offers charter flights within 300 nautical miles of Miami as well as a varied selection of tours and island escapes. Whether you’d like to go for an afternoon or a week, we can help you move around Southern Florida and explore the beauty in your own backyard.
Furthermore, we Floridians are lucky to have such a lovely backyard to explore! Miami Seaplane offers tours that highlight the beauty of Miami’s skyline and beaches. With the famous Florida Keys and Bahamas Islands directly off of the coast, you can enjoy an island escape without venturing far from home. Finally, if you, like many in the United States right now, are looking for nature escapes, we have got you covered. Enjoy a unique perspective on some of Southern Florida’s most pristine natural areas. Miami Seaplane enjoys exclusive aerial access to both Biscayne National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. These flights allow you to view these watery green spaces from a birds-eye view. (link the other post)
When it comes to avoiding crowds, the safest and most guaranteed way to do so is by flying charter. Miami Seaplane’s small charter flights carry six people maximum so you can rest assured that your risk of contamination is low! Furthermore, you’ll skip the crowds and germs of commercial airports and all the hassle that comes with it as well. Enjoy comfortable and worry-free travel on a clean private aircraft.